Biotika | | ISSN 2410-9290 (Online) |
ISSUE 2(21), April 2018
Table of Content
Dulyapit A., Sumantri S., Nurjannah
- Development of visuals card as educational media to improve student’s achievement on the science concept of “Human musculoskeletal system” for 5th grade of elementary school at Depok City; pp. 3-9
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Rahmaniya N., Sjofjan O., Djunaidi I.H.
- Nutritional evaluation on some kawi yellow sweet potato flour (Ipomoea batatas L.) and implementation as substitution of corn starch on component of beta carotene and cholesterol to arabic laying hens; pp. 10-14
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Akbarurrasyid M., Fadjar M., Sambah A.B.
- Identification of coastal space for Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture based on geographical information system in Cempi Bay (Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara); pp. 15-20
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Renitasari D.P., Risjani Y., Maizar A.
- The expression of the hormone estrogen in the gonads of green Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) as biomarker of estrogenic compound on the Banyu Urip s and Kenjeran Waters, East Java; pp. 21-27
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Yulia D.S., Iskandar A., Sudjari, Poeranto S., Hernowati T.E., Indrawati H., Sardjono T.W.
- The effects of quercetin towards reactive oxygen species levels and glutathione in Toxoplasma gondii profilin-exposed adipocytes in vitro; pp. 28-33
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Insani L., Fadjar M., Maftuch
- Evaluation of pond lands utilization and study of organic matter spatial distribution of Vanname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture in the coastal area of Lamongan Regency; pp. 34-42
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Triwiratno A., Agustina D., Astutik Y.P.
- The concentration and type of liquid smoke to suppress the development of Elsinoe fawcettii causing scab on citrus plant of Japansche citroen; pp. 43-49
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Wibowo W.B., Arfiati D., Zakiyah U.
- The effect of Chinese pond mussel (Anodonta woodiana) as a biofilter on biochemical oxygen demand level in catfish (Clarias sp.) farming waste; pp. 50-52
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Pimenov N.V., Laishevtsev A.I., Shaydullina A.N., Rybakova D.I.
- Pathogens of the nocardia in infectopathology of sheep; pp. 53-56
- Language of article: Russian
- Full-text in PDF: download